The BJP should quit "annoying" ranchers as they are the pride of the nation, Samajwadi Party supremo Akhilesh Yadav said on Wednesday while paying recognitions for the previous leader Chaudhary Charan Singh on his introduction to the world commemoration, which is commended as the Farmers' Day.
Brought into the world on this day in 1902 in Meerut in Uttar Pradesh, Singh supported the ranchers' motivation and is credited with forming a few arrangements that helped cultivators. He passed on in 1987.
"Accolades for Chaudhary Charan Singh Ji on his introduction to the world commemoration! Today, under the BJP's standard, the nation's set of experiences is seeing quite a Farmers' Day when the ranchers are compelled to battle in the city, rather than celebrating. The BJP should quit offending the ranchers in light of the fact that the rancher of the nation is the pride of India," Yadav said in a tweet in Hindi. continue reading….