Bollywood actor Ananya Panday, who was summoned with the aid of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Thursday and Friday in reference to the Mumbai cruise raid case, has denied the allegations of supplying and consuming drugs.
As according to the NCB sources, Ananya denied the allegation of imparting drugs to Aryan Khan, who is an accused inside the case, and said that she has in no way ate up the drugs.
"The chats recovered from Aryan Khan's cell telephone screen that in the yr 2018-19, she helped deliver drugs to Aryan three times by offering him the numbers of drug sellers," NCB assets informed ANI.
"Ananya denied the deliver related talks inside the chat communique and instructed the NCB officers that she has by no means consumed or provided the medication," they added.
Ananya Panday has been summoned by means of NCB these days in reference to the Mumbai cruise raid case as well on suspicion of drug consumption. The summon has been issued primarily based on the chats recovered from Aryan Khan's cell.
Earlier on Thursday, an NCB crew become visible at Ananya Panday's house, following which, the actor was summoned through the probe organization at its office. Later, Ananya Panday, along with her father Chunky Panday, reached NCB's workplace.
Meanwhile, one more drug peddler become detained by NCB on Friday morning in reference to the cruise raid case.
The probe employer has carried out six raids or searches in Mumbai and nearby areas within the final two days in connection with the cruise drugs case, said resources.
An NCB crew busted an alleged drugs birthday party on the Cordelia Cruise ship which become on its way to Goa at mid-sea on October 2.
A total of 20 humans, which include Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan's son Aryan Khan, had been arrested so far inside the case.