Godfall promises a beautiful world for players to explore and tons of loot to equip, unfortunately gods aren't the only thing falling here.
Following Eight Hours Of Pc Play, So Far Godfall Is Beautiful And Engaging But Wearing Not Sit Well With Everyone.
It's more than the core of the game, which is mainly smacking the absolute crap out of things with a nine-foot sword, just does it so well. There's something very satisfying in a basic way about the Godfall combat.
That's not to say the game is basic because there's a ton of stat stuff and gear to play with under the hood.
The surface level combat, built from light and heavy attacks, parries, and evasion, is polished to an artisan sheen, and makes every blow landed with a shattering impact that just screams 'eat Shit and Dies Weirdly Ornate Space Knight'. Continue reading…..