Encryption is a method of scrambling information so that main approved gatherings can comprehend the data that is being shared. In encryption, comprehensible plain text is changed over into unlimited text, additionally called figure text.
Encryption requires the utilization of a cryptographic key, a bunch of numerical qualities that both the sender and the beneficiary of an encoded message settle on.
To unscramble this information, the sender and the beneficiary of the message have a key. Just this key can be utilized to unscramble the information.
That guarantees the information stays secure.
Be that as it may, encryption is of two kinds. Symmetric and hilter kilter.
This could represent a few issues, as it could include the sender moving the way in to the beneficiary and possibly presenting the way to evil entertainers.
To counter this danger, we have start to finish (E2E) or awry encryption.
This means on WhatsApp, just the sender and the collector can peruse their talk trade.
Not even WhatsApp can check the messages being traded between the two gatherings.
It is this security highlight that WhatsApp fears India's new IT Rules may possibly subvert. WhatsApp says assuming it is needed to distinguish the main originator of any snippet of data, that would expect it to store an advanced mark for each message that is gone through its servers.