The Indian government asked Twitter for information on 2,200 client accounts in the January-June 2021 period and the miniature contributing to a blog stage followed only 2% of the solicitations.
There were likewise almost 5,000 legitimate requests to eliminate Twitter accounts from India in the detailing time frame, the organization's most recent straightforwardness report has uncovered.
Worldwide government safeguarding demands diminished by 4%, while accounts indicated expanded by 24% during this revealing period. The US (57%) and India (25%) together represented 82% of all worldwide protection demands.
Since Twitter began drawing out its straightforwardness report in 2012, India has mentioned data on 11,667 client accounts, which is 10% of the worldwide data demands.
The US presented the most government data demands, representing 24% of the worldwide volume, and 27 percent of the worldwide records indicated.
The second most elevated volume of solicitations started from India, involving 18% of worldwide data solicitations and 30 percent of the worldwide records indicated.
Twitter said that it to some degree uncovered or didn't reveal data because of 64% of worldwide government data demands, a decline of 9% during this detailing period.
Japan, Brazil, and the US were the main three mentioning nations with regards to non-government demands, with each of the three representing 89 percent of all demands and 87 percent of the all out accounts determined for this period.
As far as legitimate requests from state run administrations, in the half year time frame, Twitter got 43,387 lawful requests to eliminate content, determining 196,878 records.
"This is the biggest number of records at any point dependent upon expulsion demands in an announcing period since delivering our first straightforwardness report in 2012," the organization said late on Wednesday.
In the January-June period, Twitter required record holders to eliminate 4.7 million tweets that abused its standards.
Of the Tweets eliminated, 68% got less than 100 impressions preceding expulsion, with 24 extra percent getting somewhere in the range of 100 and 1,000 impressions.
In these a half year, Twitter for all time suspended 453,754 exceptional records for infringement of its youngster sexual abuse (CSE) strategy.
In the principal half of 2021, Twitter suspended 44,974 one of a kind records for advancement of psychological warfare and fierce associations.
As indicated by Article 4(d) of India's Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021, Twitter is needed to distribute a month to month report in regards to its treatment of protests from clients in India, including activity taken on them, just as the quantity of URLs that Twitter has made a move because of proactive checking endeavors.