iQOO on Tuesday released India’s first smartphone powered by using Qualcomm Snapdragon 768G device-on-chip. Named the iQOO Z3, the telephone comes in 6GB RAM + 128GB storage, 8GB RAM + 128GB garage, and 8GB RAM + 256GB storage configurations. The iQoo Z3 starts at Rs 19,990 for the 6GB RAM + 128GB garage variant.
The 8GB RAM + 128GB garage variant is priced at Rs 20,990 and the 8GB RAM + 256GB garage option is priced at Rs 22,990. The 5G phone will be available in Ace Black and Cyber Blue hues on Amazon India and the iQOO India website from June eight. As part of the introductory offer, the smartphone receives Rs 1,500 on the spot bargain, legitimate for ICICI financial institution credit and debit playing cards users.
As for the specs, the iQOO Z3 boots Android 11 working system-primarily based FuntouchOS eleven consumer interface. The smartphone functions a 6.fifty eight-inch complete-HD+ (1080 x 2408 pixels) display of 120Hz refresh price and a 20:nine element ratio. The display supports HDR10 and boasts DCI-P3 huge color Gamut. It sports a triple rear digital camera setup with sixty four-megapixel number one sensor (Samsung ISOCELL GW3 sensor), along with an eight-megapixel ultra-extensive lens and a 2-megapixel sensor with an f/2.4 lens. It has a sixteen-megapixel selfie shooter at the the front. The rear digicam can recording 4K motion pictures at 60 fps. It boasts EFB (eye, face, frame) autofocus monitoring, and first rate night time Mode supported with the aid of several filters for low mild pictures.
iqoo z3
The phone packs a four,400mAh battery supported by using 55W speedy charging. iQoo claims the phone battery prices via up to 50 in step with cent in approximately 19 mins. As for the connectivity, the cellphone has Bluetooth v5.1, USB type-C port, and a 3.5mm jack. there may be also a side-installed fingerprint sensor for phone liberate mechanism.
The smartphone functions a 5-layer liquid cooling machine that is touted by means of the organization to reduce the surface temperature by using up to 10 degree-Celcius.