Ghaziabad Police has summoned Twitter India coping with Director Manish Maheshwari inside seven days over a video that went viral on the platform.
Iraz Raza, SP - Rural, Ghaziabad, informed news organisation ANI the department has summoned Twitter India head Manish Maheshwari and has also asked for some details from him within every week through mail. Raza stated he hoped Maheshwari will co-operate in the research.
The case relates to an allegedly manipulated video of a Muslim man being overwhelmed up and allegedly forced to chant “Jai shri Ram” by way of his attackers. A case become filed on Wednesday against Twitter,, Congress leaders and journalists for selling the video and giving it a communal color.
Twitter was named as it did no longer save you the video from going viral at the platform, mews agencies reported, mentioning police sources.
there was lots debate over whether Twitter has lost its safe harbour provision under the IT Act for no longer completely following the newly notified IT guidelines, 2021.