Delhi Police on Monday filed a charge sheet against Olympic medallist wrestler Sushil Kumar and 19 others in connection with the alleged murder of a former junior countrywide wrestling champion at Chhatrasal Stadium here.
The final file, which named Kumar as the main accused, has been filed before Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Satvir Singh Lamba.
Fifteen accused had been arrested inside the case, even as 5 are at the run.
Sushil Kumar and his pals allegedly assaulted 23-12 months-old wrestler Sagar Dhankar and of his pals Sonu and Amit Kumar at the intervening night of May 4 and five. Sagar succumbed to the injuries later.
Police had earlier referred to as Sushil the principle offender and mastermind of the homicide and stated that there is electronic proof wherein he and his pals can be visible beating Dhankar with sticks.