State head Narendra Modi on Wednesday said he is tormented by the deficiency of lives because of an awful fire in Hyderabad and reported an ex-gratia of Rs 2 lakh each for the closest relative of the perished.
Eleven traveler laborers were scorched to death in a significant fire mishap at a piece godown in Hyderabad in the early long stretches of Wednesday.
The expired specialists, all hailing from Bihar, were resting in a room built over the godown at Bhoiguda when the episode occurred, fire and police authorities said.
"Tormented by the deficiency of lives because of a heartbreaking fire in Bhoiguda, Hyderabad. My considerations are with the dispossessed families in this hour of misery," Prime Minister Modi was cited as saying by his office.
"An ex-gratia of Rs 2 lakh each from PMNRF would be given to the closest relative of the perished," he said.