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Safed Musli – Health benefits & risks


Safed Musli (Chlorophytum Borivilianum) is a plant found only in the jungles of Southern India. It is considered to be uncommon and endangered. It has been used in the practice of Ayurvedic medicine for hundreds of years and is a member of the lily family. The potent tonic derived from this plant has been shown effective in treating a broad range of illnesses, including sexual dysfunction, infertility, and joint pain, amongst others.

This tuberous root known may reach a height of between one and two feet in its mature state. The plant’s leaves are long and thin, and they are clustered together in a rosette formation. Clusters of pure white blooms are produced by the plant. The fruit is a little berry that is dark in color.

What are some other common names for Safed Musli?

Land-Calotrops, Chlorophytum borivilianum, Safed Moosli, Dholi Musli, Khiruva, Swetha Musli, Taniravi Thang, and Shedheveli are all names for this plant.

Benefits of Safed Musli

Advantages with erectile dysfunction


Safed Musli has a spermatogenic characteristic, which means it helps improve the quality of sperm while also increasing the quantity of sperm. In addition to this, it raises testosterone levels, which in turn increases blood flow to the genitalia, resulting in erections that last for a longer period. As a result, it has the potential to be beneficial in the treatment of male infertility as well as other sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction.


Safed Musli is a Vajikarana, which means it is an aphrodisiac, and it has been shown to reduce the likelihood of impotence and other sexual diseases. Due to the Guru and Sita virya properties that it has, Safed Musli also enhances the amount and quality of semen produced by the testicles.

Tip to Take:

Mix one glass of milk or one teaspoon of honey with one half of a teaspoon of the Safed Musli churna (powder), and consume the mixture.

Perform this step twice a day.

If you want even greater results, keep doing this for at least one to two months.

When it comes to enhancing sexual performance, what are the advantages of using Safed Musli?


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It’s possible that taking Safed Musli can assist increase sexual performance by boosting your desire. In addition to that, it helps boost testosterone levels.

According to one piece of research, not only will this plant help raise sperm count, but it can also be utilized to delay the onset of premature ejaculation. According to the findings of another research, it improves both strength and stamina. Because of this, it is used both as a potent aphrodisiac and a rejuvenating agent.


Because of its Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties, it is an excellent way to enhance sexual function.

Tip to Take:

Mix one glass of milk or one teaspoon of honey with one half of a teaspoon of this plant’s churna (powder), and consume the mixture.

Perform this step twice a day.

If you want even greater results, keep doing this for at least one to two months.

What are the advantages of using this plant to deal with stress?


Because of its adaptogenic and anti-stress activities, this plant may be helpful in the management of stress.

In addition to this, it has antioxidant properties, which inhibit the production of free radicals inside the body and lower the probability of oxidative stress-related illnesses.


There is a possibility that stress is caused by an unbalanced Vata dosha in the body. Because it can bring the body’s Vata dosha back into balance, Safed Musli may help reduce feelings of stress.

Tips to Take:

Consume half of a teaspoon of the plant in the form of churna (powder) or one capsule twice a day with one glass of milk after eating a light meal.

If you want even greater results, keep doing this for at least two to three months.

What are the advantages of Safed Musli for Oligospermia (Sperm Count)?


Because of its spermatogenic potential, this plant is often used as an aphrodisiac agent. The plant may increase the total number of sperm, and as a result, it might be beneficial in lowering the risk of oligospermia.


Safed Musli is known for its Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties, in addition to its ability to assist increase sperm count.

Tips to Take:

After eating once or twice a day, consume one glass of milk mixed with half a teaspoon of Safed Musli powder in the form of churna.

To get even greater outcomes, keep doing this for at least one to two months.

What are the advantages of using Safed Musli to increase the amount of breast milk?


In nursing moms, it is known to increase both the amount of milk produced and the rate at which it is produced. However, there is not enough proof to support this claim.

What are the advantages of consuming Safed Musli when it comes to the development of muscle?


Even if there is not enough data to support this claim, a dietary supplement of the plant might assist in the strengthening of muscles in those who have exercised regularly by increasing their level of growth hormone.

In regards to arthritis, what are the advantages of using Safed Musli?


The saponins found in it contain properties that may reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms of arthritis. It does this by inhibiting the inflammatory mediators in the body, including histamine and prostaglandins, which are the chemicals that are responsible for arthritic patients’ pain and inflammation.

What are the advantages of consuming Safed Musli when it comes to Cancer?


Some of the ingredients in this plant, such as steroidal glycoside, have been shown to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells. If administered at the early stages of cancer growth, it has the potential to aid in the process of cell apoptosis (cell death) and lower the size and weight of the tumor

What kinds of advantages does Safed Musli provide for those who have diabetes; both type 1 and type 2?


This plant may help control diabetes by bringing down the levels of glucose in the blood. Additionally, it has antioxidant properties, which protect the pancreas from being damaged. This contributes to an increase in the insulin level.


Rasayana is a quality that Safed Musli has, and it is this trait that helps to regulate excessive blood sugar levels.

Tip to Take:

After eating your meal, drink one glass of milk and take one-half of a teaspoon of the powdered version of the plant. Do this once or twice a day.

If you want greater results, keep doing this for at least one to two months.

When it comes to treating diarrhea, what are the advantages of using Safed Musli?


Patients who suffer from diarrhea and dysentery are given the plant to strengthen their immune systems and improve their strength. However, there is not enough data to support the use of Safed Musli to treat diarrhea.

What kind of results can you expect to get from using Safed Musli?


Arthritis, cancer, and diabetes mellitus are all examples of degenerative diseases (Type 1 & Type 2), Diarrhea, Dysuria (painful urination), Erectile dysfunction, and Gonorrhea, In terms of enhancing sexual performance, an increase in the amount of milk produced in the breasts, Infections, The development of muscular mass, Oligospermia (low sperm count), Stress

Precautions when using this plant

Counsel from Reputable Sources


It is strongly encouraged to only consume Safed Musli in the dosage and for the amount of time that is specified by a medical professional.

If you have a weak digestive system, you should stay away from Safed Musli. This is because of the Guru (heavy) feature that it has.

Because Safed Musli has a feature that increases Kapha, it is not recommended to use it for an extended period since it might lead to weight gain.



If you are nursing, you should only take Safed Musli under the guidance of a medical professional.



During pregnancy, Safed Musli should only be consumed under the guidance of a qualified medical professional.


1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of Safed Musli Churna should be taken twice a day.

One to two Safed Musli Capsules should be taken twice a day.


1. Safed Musli Churna (Powder)

Take between a quarter and a half of a teaspoon of the Safed Musli powder.

Consume it twice a day with honey or lukewarm milk, and do so both times.

2. Safed Musli (Extract) Capsule

Consume one to two capsules of Safed Musli.

Swallow it with milk that is lukewarm, twice per day, to promote libido (sexual desire) and to control erectile dysfunction.

3. Safed Musli Laddoo

In a pan, melt 8-10 teaspoons of ghee over medium heat.

While stirring it constantly over low heat, include one cup of jaggery that has been crushed.

Add approximately four to five teaspoons of Safed Musli powder.

At this point, add some chopped dry fruits such as cashews, almonds, and raisins while continuously stirring the mixture.

Give the mixture some time to cool down.

Laddoo may now be made by rolling the ingredients between your hands.

Research indicates that nursing moms who take Safed Musli have an increase in both the amount and flow of breast milk.

4. Musli cooked in ghee and served safe

Take one-fourth to one-half of a teaspoon of Safed Musli.

Combine it with one teaspoon of ghee, and then apply the mixture to the region that is afflicted with mouth and throat ulcers.


Safed musli is an herb that has a range of potential health benefits. Though more research is needed to confirm these benefits, the herb may also may be effective in treating diabetes, obesity, and sexual dysfunction. It is also generally considered safe for most people when taken by mouth in the short-term. If you’re considering adding this plant to your health regimen, talk to your doctor first to weigh the potential risks and benefits. To best determine if the herb is ideal for being added to your health regimen, consider looking to your genes for insights. HealthCodes DNA provides you a fully custom diet and workout plan so that you can boost up your stamina without the use of this herb.

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