An extra 30,100 vials of Amphotericin-B was apportioned to every one of the states and Union Territories by the Center on Monday to battle the black fungus infection, Union Minister for Chemicals and Fertilizers D V Sadananda Gowda said.
"Extra 30,100 vials of #Amphotericin-B have been assigned to every one of the States/UTs and Central Institutions today," the Minister tweeted on Monday.
He said an extra 1,930 vials of Amphotericin-B has been designated to Karnataka.
With this, the state has so far got 12,710 vials.
As per the state wellbeing division, 1,250 individuals have been tainted by dark growth so far in Karnataka, of whom 39 have kicked the bucket and 18 have recuperated.
The other 1,193 contaminated individuals are going through treatment, it said in a proclamation.