Industry body BIF on Thursday batted for direct allocation of spectrum for private 5G networks to enterprises at a nominal administrative fee, as the war of words intensified between telcos and tech companies on the vexed issue of captive networks ahead of spectrum auction for next-generation services.
BIF also said indoor private campus networks do not truncate legitimate revenue of the telecom service providers but help to enhance productivity and efficiency.
Describing itself as a technology neutral and service agnostic entity "with no bias or inclination towards any organisation/ service/ technology/ vertical", BIF emphasised that India needs private 5G to accelerate digital transformation, 'Atmanirbharta' and Industry 4.0.
This revenue stream has not yet been tapped, BIF observed.
"There would be no revenue loss to the Government on account of direct spectrum allocation for private 5G networks to enterprises, as they shall purchase the spectrum at a price to be fixed by the Government and allocated administratively," it added.