The Delhi units of the BJP and the Congress on Tuesday requested that the AAP government moves back its new extract strategy, that cut the legitimate drinking age from 25 to 21 years, saying it could demolish the young people of the public capital.
Driving a dissent at Shahdara against the new extract strategy, the BJP's Delhi unit president Adesh Gupta affirmed that the Arvind Kejriwal government is "pushing adolescents towards liquor abuse to expand income".
"While the BJP is putting together projects to instill the enthusiasm among youth, the Kejriwal government is them pushing towards alcohol utilization," Gupta was cited as saying in a proclamation.
At the dissent, BJP laborers consumed the representation of Kejriwal.
Gupta puzzled over whether the Kejriwal government is ignorant of the way that more alcohol shops would not just lead to an expansion in the crime percentage in Delhi, yet additionally make it the alcohol capital.
"Did Delhiites choose him during the current day? he presented.
Gupta said in the articulation that the best thing would have been for the public authority to fix alcohol strategy to make Delhi alright for ladies and get adolescents far from the alcohol.
It appears to be the Kejriwal government esteems income more than the security of ladies or saving the youths from drinking, he guaranteed, adding if the central clergyman truly needs to accomplish something he ought to give clean water, battle contamination, lay more sewer lines and improve foundation.
Senior Congress pioneer and previous administrator Alka Lamba said the new extract strategy of the Delhi government, expected to help the income assortment by an extra Rs 2,000 crore, won't just demolish the existences of the young, yet numerous families also.
As per an assertion delivered by the Delhi Congress, it laborers, under the initiative of DPCC president Anil Kumar, will dissent outside the home of the central clergyman on Wednesday against the extract strategy.
Lamba said the Congress party emphatically protests to this "damaging" approach and requested its rollback. The base age for drinking was fixed at 25 years with a particular reason, as by then most youngsters would be in a situation to take develop choices, she said.
"Rajiv Gandhi gave casting a ballot rights to 18-year-olds while the Kejriwal government was giving alcohol jugs to the young people of the public capital," she said.