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The Indian Medical Association serves defamation notice to Ramdev for his remarks against allopathy

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has served a criticism notice on Ramdev for supposed decrying comments against allopathy and allopathic specialists, requesting a statement of regret from him inside 15 days, bombing which it said it will request a pay of Rs 1,000 crore from the yoga master.

The six-page notice served for the benefit of IMA (Uttarakhand) secretary Ajay Khanna by his attorney Neeraj Pandey depicts the comments by Ramdev as harming to the standing and the picture of allopathy and around 2,000 experts of it who are important for the affiliation.

Naming the comments of the yoga master a "criminal demonstration" under segment of 499 of the Indian Penal Code, the notification requested a composed statement of regret from him inside 15 days of its receipt, or, in all likelihood a pay of Rs 1,000 crore will be requested from him at the pace of Rs 50 lakh for each individual from the IMA.

The notification has likewise requested that Ramdev make a video cut repudiating all his bogus and disparaging charges, and course it on all the web-based media stages where he had transferred his prior video cut evening out the claims.

It has likewise requested that the yoga master pull out a "deceptive" ad from all stages underwriting "Coronil unit", a result of his firm, as a compelling medication for COVID-19, bombing which a FIR and a criminal argument will be held up against him by the IMA.

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